
Cécile REMY, Assistant Professor

Professional address

Universität Augsburg
Alter Postweg 118, Institut für Geographie
86159 Augsburg, Germany

E-mail :

Academic background

  • PhD in Environmental Sciences (2016) Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue & Université de Montpellier
    Title : Spatial and temporal dynamics of fire and vegetation during Holocene in coniferous boreal forest (Quebec-Labrador)
  • M.Sc. Sciences and Technologies of the living and the environment (2012) AgroParisTech & Université de Lorraine
  • B. Sc. Living Sciences (2010) Université de Lorraine

Professionnal experience

  • Assistant Professor (2020-present) : Universität Augsburg
  • Postdoctoral fellow – Ecology of disturbances (2018 – 2020) University of New Mexico
    Topic : Interaction of climate change and wildfire on post-fire recovery in the landscapes of the northern New Mexico (USDA NIFA, Interagency Carbon Cycle Science)
  • Postdoctoral fellow – Ecology of disturbances (2017) CNRS
    Topic : Development of fire predictability metrics in circumboreal forests (EU Horizon 2020 project PREREAL)
  • Postdoctoral fellow – Paleoecology of wildfires (2017) Institute of Forest Research/UQAT
    Topic : Comparisons of paleoecological indicators for the reconstruction of forest fire regimes (Mitacs Canada)

Area of expertise

Current themes : Interactions between climate, wildfires and vegetation, climate change impacts on carbon dynamics and vegetation trajectories.

Key words : paleoecology, wildfires, charcoal, pollen, carbon dynamics, vegetation modeling.
