Professional Address
Science and Technology Branch
Environment and Climate Change Canada
801-1550, avenue d’Estimauville
Québec (Québec) G1J 0C3
E-mail :
Academic background
- 2002 – Biology, Université Laval
- 2004 – MSc Forest Sciences, Université Laval
- 2009 – PhD Environmental Sciences, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Professionnal experience
- 2013-present – Research Scientist, Boreal birds and Ecosystems, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- 2018-present – Adjunct professor, Université Laval
- 2016-present – Adjunct professor Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
- 2009-2013 – Biologist, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec
Area of expertise
Junior A. Tremblay is leading a research program focusing on boreal birds and ecosystems to enable a sustainable environment through its preservation and restoration for current and future generations. More specifically, it aims to understand the potential impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbances and climate change on habitat selection and bird population parameters in the context of an annual life cycle. Particular attention is paid to species at risk. Thus, his research program provides applied scientific information in support of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s mandate to conserve and restore birds and protect their habitats, and provides useful scientific knowledge and advice to a diverse clientele, including scientific researchers, managers, planners and the general public.
Key words : Climate change impacts and adaptation; Deadwood; Forest management; Old growth forest; Ornithology; Post-disturbance forest dynamics; Woodpecker.
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- Twitter : @Tremblay_Jun